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Call for Abstracts
The 5ESA Scientific Committee and the Local Organizing Committee welcome the submission of original contributions for oral and poster presentations at the Symposium.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically by the "Coffee" on-line registration system. To add an abstract, please log in to the system. Only registered participants can submit an abstract in the system. The keynotes should be submitted directly by internet using address 5esa@cm-uj.krakow.pl with message title: KEYNOTE.
The deadline for abstracts submission is the 6th of April 2012!
Up to three keywords mentioned below, that describe the abstract the best should be indicated upon submission.
Pollen monitoring, fungal spores monitoring, meteorology, climate change, forensics, modeling, forecasting, phenology, aeroagriculture, phytopathology, health impact, indoor allergens, toxicology, pollution.
Instructions for Authors
Abstracts must be written in English. Use maximum 500 words for your abstract. Up to three abstracts can be submitted by one participant.
The abstract should be structured as follow:
Title in capitals, authors (full first and second names), affiliations (institution, city, country), the main text. In order to make the abstract as informative as possible, please separate INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be published as typed by the author. Please note that abstracts will not be accepted if the English is unacceptable.
There can be some technical problems with copying the text from the MS WORD. Therefore we suggest to type the text in directly in the text box or copy it from the Notepad (Menu Start - All programs - Accessories).
To copy the text please use the following hotkeys:
- - CTRL + A = Select all
- - CTRL + X = Cut
- - CTRL + C = Copy
- - CTRL + V = Paste
To add the abstract, please follow the instruction.
Accepted abstracts selected by expert reviewers will be presented in oral and poster sessions.
Please note that all posters will be presented in poster discussion sessions. The authors are requested to stand by posters and to present the results briefly. The organizers strongly encourage authors to prepare high quality posters: best posters will be awarded. The maximum size of posters should be 120 x 80 cm.
The oral presentations will be arranged in frame of the oral sessions, the time of presentations will be given later.
Registration and Payment
The presenting author must register for the Congress and pay the registration fee before 15 June 2012; otherwise the abstract will not be published in the abstract book.
Grant recipients must also register before 15 June 2012, but are not required to send a payment. If your abstract is accepted, but your grant application not, payment must be sent to the Symposium Secretariat no later than 15 June 2012. Otherwise the abstract will not be published in the abstract book. For information about Grants see "GENERAL INFORMATION".
Changes to abstracts
In order to notify changes to abstracts, you have to follow again the submission procedure in registration system (see instruction).
Notification of Acceptance
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be emailed by the 20th of May. Contact the Symposium Secretariat if you have not received your notification email by this time. The corresponding author is responsible for informing co- authors on the status of the abstract.
Publication of abstracts
All accepted abstracts and keynotes will be published in a special issue of Alergologia.Immunologia journal.