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On behalf of the Organizing Committee I would like to thank all participants, guests, keynote speakers, chairpersons of the oral and poster sessions, organizers for their presence, creating the wonderful atmosphere, for all presentations, fruitful discussions and all nice words during the Symposium. I hope our meeting went well, but the final opinion belongs to you.
Have an enjoyable memory of Krakow!!
See you in Lyon in 2016!!
Dorota Myszkowska
Dear All,
Participants presenting the Symposium badges have a free entry to the Botanical Garden of Jagiellonian University during the Symposium (3-7.09.2012).
Botanical Garden is located at Kopernika street 27.
Our great desire is to arrange a short meeting dedicated to dr Alicja Stach during the Symposium. We encourage Alicja friends and people who knew her to meet together on Wednesday evening, at 6 p.m. at the Seminar Room.
It would be nice if you could bring any photos made during the private or official meetings with Alicja. We would like to share our memory of Alicja with our colleagues.
During the Gala Dinner at the Wieliczka Salt Mine (6th of Sept), a visit in the Underground Rehabilitation Centre for a limited group (up to 25 persons) is provided. If you are interested in that visit, please send information up to the 31st of August to 5esa@cm-uj.krakow.pl with message title WIELICZKA.
The walking to the Centre will be guided by the Centre staff, it starts after Gala Dinner and the 5th ESA ceremony, about 8.30 p.m. (20.30). The route is a little bit difficult, temperature 10oC. After the visit you will be guided to the Warszawa Chamber and an elevator will take you up to the surface.
Kind regards
Dorota Myszkowska
The detailed scientific programme is just available. See more: detailed programme.
We remind all the participants that the deadline of Early Fee Payment is 15 June 2012.
The presenting author must register online for the Congress and pay the registration fee before 15 June 2012. Otherwise the abstract will not be published in the abstract book.
Late Registration Fee should be paid up to the 1st of August.
In case of exceptional events, the registration fee could be paid after the 1st of August, but then the Late Registration Fee will be raised by 200 PLN.
Dear Participants,
We would like to inform you that the optional excursion to the Main Market Square will be cancelled, because of some technical problems with Underground Museum visit on Tuesday evening. We would suggest you to choose one of the another proposals, the Royal Wawel Castle or Jewish
District Kazimierz.
Sorry for this inconvenience
Latest information about post-symposium tours are available. See more about the detailed programme, cost and the way of registration.
We remaind all the participants that the deadline of abstract submission is the 6th of April. In case of exceptional events, participants are requested to inform the Organizing Committee directly (5esa@cm-uj.krakow.pl) to fix the date of their abstract submission.
The deadline of abstract submission has been extended to the 6th of April. In case of exceptional events, participants are requested to inform the Organizing Committee directly (5esa@cm-uj.krakow.pl) to fix the date of their abstract submission.
The deadline for abstract submision and grant application has been postponed to the 18th of March 2012!
All the participants are requested to keep this final deadline.
All the people interested in the 5ESA participation are requested to send abstracts by the 28th of February.
Fungal Spore Workshop 5th of Sept.
Chairpersons: Professor Michael L. Muilenberg, Danuta Stępalska PhD, Agnieszka Grinn-Gofroń PhD, Aneta Sulborska PhD.
The participants interested in the Fungal Spore Workshop are requested to mark this option during the online registration. The Fungal Workshop will be held on the 5th of Sept within one or two sessions arranged simultaneously with the medical sessions. This event is recommended for people who are interested in meeting with experts at fungi to identify unknown spores and to discuss some problems. The participants can bring their own slides with unrecognized spores or any unusual/atypical forms. More detailed program will be available soon. The Fungal Spore Workshop participation charge is included in the payment. Number of participants is limited.
The organizers also encourage the participants to take part in the Image Analysis System presentation also held on Wednesday, the 5th of Sept. The new system will be presented by the representatives of a.e.r.o.medi BV company.
Online hotel reservation is just available. For more information see accomodation.
The online registration system is just available. The participants are kindly asked to read the intruction carefully before registering to the conference.
Online hotel reservation will be available in January 2012.
On the 25th of May the organizing meeting on the Symposium organization was held in Krakow at the Conference - XIII Days of Pollen Allergy. Most of the Scientific and Organizing Committee members have participated in this event. The participants were informed about the current status of Symposium arrangement and some problems, e.g. scientific program, sponsorship and social events have been discussed.
The guest of this meeting and the whole conference was dr Bernard Clot, the vice-president of the International Association on Aerobiology and also the member of the Scientific Committee of 5ESA.
Latest information about scientific and social programme is available. You can find the time schedule of the scientific programme at the Scientific Program menu. You can also acquaint with the social events arranged for the Symposium and our propositions of post-symposium tours.