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The Local Organizing Committee offers some grants for young researchers. Only applicants with an accepted abstract can be granted. Applications are expected from persons studying any aspect of aerobiology.
Those who are awarded a grant will receive free registration to the Symposium, and/or shared accommodation in a student hotel (double room).
The application deadline is 18 March 2012.
The applications will be considered using the following criteria: the qualifications of the researcher, the importance of the proposed project and its likely contribution to Aerobiology.
Applications should be made in writing and include:
- a short CV outlining the applicant’s qualifications and the current course of the study or employment
- the abstract of the presentation
- a brief description of how the grant would benefit the applicant’s career and his contribution to aerobiology
- a supporting statement signed by the applicant’s supervisor or employer
The application (no more than 2 pages A4 or equivalent) should be sent to the Symposium Secretariat (5esa@cm-uj.krakow.pl) with message title GRANTS.
The grant application should be delivered with the abstract , otherwise your grant application will not be considered.
If the abstract is accepted, but your grant application not, the registration fee must be sent to the Congress Secretariat no later than 15 June 2012. Otherwise the abstract will not be published in the abstract book.