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Below you can find the detailed scientific programme. Please, check the session schedule carefully, find your presentation and remember the presentation symbols. The presentations in Power Point (2007) can be sent to the Conference Centre from the 15th of August directly as it is given: 5esa@cm-uj.krakow.pl
The oral presentations file should be entitled as follows: data, lecture room, session symbol, presentation number, first author, e. g.:
If the presentations are not sent before Symposium, the participants are requested to download on site day before a given session.
5th ESA scientific programme (pdf)
ORAL presentations should not overrun 15' including 1-2 questions. The chairpersons are obligated to interrupt the presentation.
POSTER sessions will be arranged in the halls (1st and 2nd floor). Authors should not only stay by posters, but to explain shortly (5') the main results of the research and to answer the questions as well. One of the posters from each session will be awarded. The participants will be informed about decisions during the closing ceremony. Please remember, only posters presented and discussed by authors will be taken into consideration.
WORKSHOP: Bi-colour Staining of Pollen as a Tool for Automated Identification
Wednesday, 5th September 2012, 9:00, Seminar Room
For all interested participants
We invite you to take part in the first public presentation of
1) the handling and application of the redesigned staining solution "aroprot®" in pollen staining and
2) the function of our newly developed "PolyScan"-apparatus: It takes automatically serial photos of standard sample slides and identifies and classifies pollen in these images.
Please contact us at the Exhibition in the Congress Hall for registration.
Microscope Image Analysis System PolyScan
Automatically takes 200 images from each of 10 slides.
Easy to use PC-Software identifies, counts and classifies the different pollen from these 200 images per slide.

Wednesday, 5th September 2012, 13:20, Seminar Room
Chairpersons: Professor Michael L. Muilenberg, Danuta Stępalska PhD, Agnieszka Grinn-Gofroń PhD, Aneta Sulborska PhD.
Only for registered participants (limited group)
The Fungal Workshop will be held on the 5th of Sept simultaneously with the medical sessions. The participants are requested to bring their own slides with unrecognized spores or any unusual/atypical forms.
Detailed programme:
- Presentation on different problems with fungal spores identification. Muilenberg M.
- Presentation on the oresent picture of fungal spore research in Poland. Grinn-Gofroń A., Stępalska D.
- Identification of unknown fungal spores in participants'slides